◆----지식&취미----◆ 509

[스크랩] 12. 피니쉬에서 클럽페이스 점검하기

Club-face check at the finish - how to monitor every shot 피니쉬에서 클럽페이스 점검하기 - 어떻게 모든 샷을 점검할것인가? We have traced through the entire downswing sequence. At the finish of your swing the body should be perfectly balanced with the chest squarely facing the target, and the hands alongside the head at about the level of the left ear. The arms are enti..

[스크랩] 11. 백스윙탑에서 무엇을 느끼는가?

What you should feel at the top of the backswing 백스윙탑에서 무엇을 느끼는가? I said in Lesson 2 that the left heel must rise to permit a full body turn in the backswing, and that I built this left heel movement into the swings of my pupils whether they felt the need for it or not. I also said that there was no marked transfer of weight to the right leg in the backswing. 나는 레..

[스크랩] 10. 방향과 힘, 다운스윙의 목적

Direction and power, the purpose of the downswing 방향과 힘, 다운스윙의 목적 The downswing is undoubtedly the most critical and misunderstood phase of the swing. It has been the subject of more misleading advice than any other phase of the swing movement. I intend to correct these errors, and replace them with concepts of the downswing that are both simple and effective. 다운스윙..

[스크랩] 9. 원인,결과 그리고 백스윙 문제의 치유

The cause, effect and cure of backswing problems 원인, 결과 그리고 백스윙 문제의 치유 I am sometimes criticised for stressing the role of the left hand and arm at the expense of the right hand. People have occasionally asked me if, in my view, the right hand has any role to play in the golf swing? My answer is this.... 나는 가끔 오른팔을 너무 무시하고 왼손과 왼..

[스크랩] 8. 백스윙 탑의 분석

Top of the backswing analysis (백스윙탑의 분석) We have said that the backswing is performed solely to place the club in a correct position at the top. Now let us define what is "a correct position at the ", and why it is important. 우리는 백스윙이 탑에서 클럽을 올바른 위치에 놓기 위하여 하는것이라고 이야기 해왔다. 이제 우리는 무엇이 올바른 ..

[스크랩] 4. 좋은 골프스윙에 필요한 3가지 요소

Lesson 4 The three requirements of a sound golf swing 좋은 골프스윙에 필요한 3가지 요소 The golf swing MUST ACHIEVE three vital conditions in order to be effective. Few golfers are aware of them, and even fewer actually achieve them and I include pros in this category! The swing movement that I am about to describe in the following lessons is designed to AUTOMATICALLY produce these..